On-line membership application Full Name:*FirstLast Address line 1:* Address line 2:* Address line 3: County: Post code:* E-mail:* Home telephone: Mobile telephone: Gender:*FMT Year of birth*British Caving Association (BCA) MembershipCATMHS Members who wish to attend Meets are required to hold Caving Membership of the British Caving Association (BCA). This can be either through CATMHS, through membership of another organisation or as a Direct Individual Member of the BCA.CATMHS members with only Non-Caving membership of the BCA may not attend any meets, but are welcome to attend the AGM (and vote), and the Annual Dinner.If you do not wish to hold BCA membership, then as a Friend of CATMHS, you receive 4 Electronic or Printed Newsletters per annum, and are also welcome to attend the AGM (but not vote), and the Annual Dinner. I understand that to participate in field activities I must have Caving Membership of the BCA.*Please TickIf you are applying for Membership and have BCA membership through another organisation or as a DIM, please state the organisation name and your BCA Card Number below: Membership costs for Electronic Newsletters are Single Membership with BCA Non Caving Membership £17, Single Membership with BCA Caving Membership £32, Single Membership with BCA Caving Membership with another club or as a DIM £10, Friend of CATMHS £10Membership costs for Printed Newsletters are Single Membership with BCA Non Caving Membership £37, Single Membership with BCA Caving Membership £52, Single Membership with BCA Caving Membership with another club or as a DIM £30, Friend of CATMHS £30 Membership type*Select valueCATMHS Membership with BCA Caving MembershipCATMHS Membership with BCA Non-Caving MembershipCATMHS Membership with BCA Membership from another clubFriend of CATMHS Newsletter*ElectronicPrinted Mining interests:Surface meetsExplorationLocal historyUnderground meetsPhotographyConservationGeologyReceiving bulletins Other interests, skills or qualifications which may be of interest to the society.CATMHS recognises that industrial archaeological field activities, particularly in a mining or quarrying environment, can involve danger, and expects participants to be aware of risks at all times and to behave accordingly.General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR)The CATMHS statement on GDPR can be read here: (link opens in new tab) GDPR I have read and understood the CATMHS GDPR Statement*Please TickMemorandum of CATMHS Policies Annexed To The ConstitutionThe Memorandum of CATMHS Policies Annexed To The Constitution can be read here: (link opens in new tab) Memorandum I have read and understood the Memorandum of CATMHS Policies*Please TickMembership fees are due on 1st November each year. Members joining after 1st August will receive membership for the following year Signed: (PLEASE TYPE FULL NAME)* Date:*Submit and go to Gift Aid formReset